International Transfer Format for Botanic Garden Plant Records (ITF2)
International Transfer Format for Botanic Garden Plant Records, version 2 (ITF2) was developed in response to requests from botanic gardens to incorporate additional data fields for transfer within the botanic gardens and allow for a more flexible transfer format than the original transfer format outlined in ITF version 01.00. It is biased towards ‘Conservation Type Data Fields’, but incorporates a procedure allowing for additional data fields to be identified and exchanged between gardens. It is because of this flexibility that it is believed that the ITF2 will remain relevant to botanic gardens for a long time despite the rapid change in information system technology in recent years.
Image by Drriss & Marrionn
Header section
- Title
- International Transfer Format for Botanic Garden Plant Records (ITF2)
- Permanent IRI (for citations and links)
- Publisher
- Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG)
- Ratified
- 1987
- Status
- Prior standard
- Category
- Technical specification
- Abstract
- International Transfer Format for Botanic Garden Plant Records, version 2 (ITF2) was developed in response to requests from Botanic Gardens to incorporate additional data fields for transfer within the Botanic Gardens and allow for a more flexible transfer format than the original transfer format outlined in ITF version 01.00. It is biased towards ‘Conservation Type Data Fields’, but incorporates a procedure allowing for additional data fields to be identified and exchanged between gardens. It is because of this flexibility that it is believed that the ITF2 will remain relevant to Botanic Gardens for a long time despite the rapid change in information system technology in recent years. BGCI ( was helped by international editorial committee, ran a number of International Workshops within the Botanic Garden Community and also consulted with internationally known horticultural Groups over the last 5 years produce this final draft of the International Transfer Format for Botanic Garden Records - Version 2 and it is hoped that others beyond the Botanic Garden Community will be able to make use of this publication. ITF2 was developed in close conjunction with HISPID3 (Herbarium Information Standards and Protocols for the Interchange of Data Version 3, ) and its progress has been closely monitored by the Centers of Plant Conservation (CPC) based in St Louis, Missouri, North American which is currently developing an data exchange format based on ITF2 but requiring additional fields unique to their network. It is fully compatible with ITF1 and has based its plantname structure on Plant Names in Botanical Databases ( ), Frank A Bisby, Plant Taxonomic Database Standard No. 3 - Version 1.00, December 1994.
- Citation
- Wyse Jackson, D., C. Hobson, B. Conn, R. Piacentini, S. Waldren, C. Ward, K. Bailey, P. Wyse Jackson, S. T. Wood, K. Walter. 1998. The International Transfer Format (ITF) for Botanic Garden Plant Records Standard. IUBS Commission for Plant Taxonomic Databases (TDWG)
Parts of the standard
This standard is comprised of one document.
The International Transfer Format (ITF) for Botanic Garden Plant Records (Version 2)
- Title
- The International Transfer Format (ITF) for Botanic Garden Plant Records (Version 2)
- Permanent IRI
- Created
- 1987-09-15
- Last modified
- 1998
- Contributors
- Diane Wyse Jackson (lead author) - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- Christopher Hobson (editor) - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- Barry Conn (editor) - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- Richard Piacentini (editor) - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- Steve Waldren (editor) - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- Chris Ward (editor) - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- Ken Bailey (author) - Royal Botanic Garden, Kew
- Peter Wyse Jackson (author) - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- Simon Thornton Wood (author) - Royal Horticultural Society
- Kerry Walter (author) - BG-BASE and Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
- Publisher
- Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- Abstract
- This document contains a complete description of version 2 of the International Transfer Format for Botanic Garden Records. It includes all the information which institutions will need when making use of the ITF2 to send or receive plant records in the ITF2 format. The annexes to this manual describe some of the problem areas which needed to be addressed during the definition of ITF2.
- Note
- Available only in electronic format.
- Citation
- Wyse Jackson, D., C. Hobson, B. Conn, R. Piacentini, S. Waldren, C. Ward, K. Bailey, P. Wyse Jackson, S. T. Wood, K. Walter. 1998. The International Transfer Format (ITF) for Botanic Garden Plant Records (Version 2). Botanic Gardens Conservation International.