Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

Image by Shelley James

Last modified: 2024-06-25

Frequently asked questions

How to manage email addresses in Oxford Abstracts?

The system matches registration email addresses with presenter email addresses to verify your registration status (and your eligibility to be part of the program for SPNHC-TDWG 2024).

  • If you do not already have an OA account, create one that reflects the email used for you as an author/presenter and for when you register for the conference
  • If you already have an account with OA, make sure that the email associated with your account is also the one used on your abstract(s) and when you register. This is critical if you are a presenter.
  • DO NOT make a second account to try to fix this
  • If you want to use a different email than the one associated currently with your account,
    • please sign in with your existing account information
    • go to your profile and update the email address with the one on your abstract and the one you will use to register for the conference.
  • Alternatively, you update your abstract(s) with your current account email - best practice is to check all abstracts where you are a co-author but not the submitter

Please also see the Frequently Asked Questions under the Code of Conduct.