Code of Conduct FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) relating to the SPNHC-TDWG 2024 Code of Conduct

Image by Hiroko Yoshii

Last updated 23 May 2024

While the Code of Conduct sets out the expectations for behavior and comportment at the conference as well as Okinawan cultural considerations, this document collects and answers questions not necessarily treated in the Code.

For questions about the Code of Conduct or additions to this document, please contact

For questions about the conference, please contact

Q. Can I collect specimens while I’m in Okinawa?

All collection activity requires permitting, export/import documents and could involve international treaties and protocols. Even wildlife products (such as sea shells) purchased as souvenirs may require documentation and export/import declaration and could be CITES regulated. We ask that participants in the conference abide by the concept of “Take only pictures and memories. Leave only footprints.”

Q. What are numbers to call for emergency services in Japan?

Call 110 to reach local police if you encounter a traffic accident or criminal incident while you are in Japan, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For medical (ambulance) or fire emergency, call 119. Ask for an operator who speaks English. You will need to have your phone enabled to contact these local emergency services by either activating a Japan-specific SIM, a global SIM, or an international roaming service through your mobile network provider. If you don’t have access to any of these services, use a hotel room phone or ask for help from anyone near you.