Keynote speakers
Keynote speakers at TDWG 2022.

Richard Pyle
Dr. Richard L. Pyle is the Senior Curator of Ichthyology and Director of the Center for the Exploration of Coral Reef Ecosystems (XCoRE) at Bernice P. Bishop Museum in Honolulu. His primary research interest is to explore and document Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems (coral-reef habitat at depths of 30-200 meters). He also develops computer database systems to manage biodiversity data, and is a Commissioner and Counselor for the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). He conceived, developed and maintains ZooBank (, which is the official online register for scientific publications and names under the ICZN.
An Introduction to Scientific Names of Organisms, and the Taxon Concepts they Represent.

Debora Pignatari Drucker
Dr. Debora Pignatari Drucker is a data specialist at Embrapa Digital Agriculture, one of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation Research Centers. She is one of the co-chairs of the Research Data Alliance IGAD Community of Practice (Improving Global Agricultural Data) and Professionalizing Data Stewardship Interest Group and an expert at the Data and Knowledge Task Force of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). She holds a degree in Forestry from University of São Paulo, Master in Ecology at the National Institute for Amazonian Research and Phd in Environment and Society from University of Campinas. She developed data management projects at INPA, Unicamp and Embrapa and is involved with GO CHANGE coordination in Brazil and with the GO FAIR Brazil Agriculture and Biodiversity Thematic Networks.
Plant-pollinator Interaction Data: A case study of the WorldFAIR project.

Visotheary Ung
Dr. Visotheary Ung is a biodiversity informatics project manager at the french National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) in Paris. Her research focuses on comparative biogeography, especially in the Southeast Asia region. She develops methods and informatic tools for biogeographical analysis including an ontology for biogeographic areas. She is also a member of the Equity and Inclusion group at the faculty of Sciences and Engineering of Sorbonne University in Paris where she participates in different actions toward students and the scientific community to promote equity and inclusion in Sciences. She has been involved in TDWG activities over the last 14 years, and she serves now as the secretary.
The Sociological History of Transforming TDWG to Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG).

Pavel Stoev
Prof. Pavel Stoev is Professor of Zoology and Director of the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia, as well as COO at Pensoft Publishers. He graduated from Sofia University in 1998 and completed his PhD in Zoology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 2003. Since then, he has specialized in research institutions in the USA, Denmark, Germany, UK, France, Switzerland, Russia, The Netherlands, Hungary, etc. His research involves systematics, ecology, functional morphology and evolution of cave and soil-dwelling arthropods (centipedes, millipedes, spiders, scorpions), life in extreme environments (caves, high mountains, deserts), biological invasions, novel methods and tools for publication and visualisation of biodiversity data. Prof. Stoev has published more than 160 scholarly articles and (co-)authored or (co-)edited several monographs. Member of the IUCN Cave invertebrates group.