TDWG 2012
TDWG Annual Conference - Beijing, China
Image by May Wong
- Host
- Keping Ma - Research Group of Biodiversity and Biosafety, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Venue
- China People’s Palace Hotel in Beijing, China
- Date
- 22-26 October 2012
- Proceedings
- list of contributions with links to abstracts
- Programme
- TDWG 2012 Programme
- Presentations
- see below
- Recordings
- unavailable
Presentation files
Files are available upon request to
File name | Size (bytes) |
20121023Beijing-TDWG-Zhang.pdf | 2,129,920 |
2012-10-25_Scratchpads_2_and_the_pitfalls_of_scale.pdf | 2,719,744 |
2012-10-26-Beijing-i4Life_presentation.pdf | 290,816 |
2012TDWGMillerCybertaxonomy05.pdf | 2,777,088 |
AllanKochVeigaTDWG.pdf | 389,120 |
AnnoSys_TDWG_2012.pdf | 1,105,920 |
balu_ibp-wgp-tdwg2012.pdf | 454,656 |
Bhely_Angoboy.pdf | 2,756,608 |
BHL_Africa.pdf | 1,134,592 |
BHL-China_10.24_2012-fenghong-zheping.pdf | 1,949,696 |
BHLibrary_bibliographic_citations.pdf | 1,052,672 |
Biodiversity_Data_Journal.pdf | 5,455,872 |
Bisby_Core_Liqiang_JI.pdf | 3,821,568 |
BLE_general_final.pdf | 2,387,968 |
CABINTools.pdf | 106,496 |
cael_African_Biodiversity_Information_Symposium.pdf | 81,920 |
Congtian_Taxonomic_Tree_Tool_for_Managing_and_Comparing_Taxonomic_Trees.pdf | 1,191,936 |
CSB_UNIKIS_DRC_TDWD_2012.pdf | 1,024,000 |
eMonocot.pdf | 6,299,648 |
FedericoMendez-GBIF-TDWG2012.pdf | 4,468,736 |
GBIF-KOS-TDWG-Oct2012.pdf | 2,240,512 |
gbif_poster_GB18_SEP-CEPDEC_en_lowres.pdf | 512,000 |
GBIF-TDWG-VoMaG-Oct2012.pdf | 774,144 |
GBWGBreakoutGroup.pdf | 40,960 |
GlobalBHL-BLE-intro.pdf | 5,844,992 |
Gloeckler__GeoCASe_EFG_final.pdf | 6,057,984 |
Gloeckler_GIVD_final.pdf | 2,195,456 |
Ithe_Presentation_TDWG_2012.pdf | 1,085,440 |
Macklin_TDWG_2012.pdf | 221,184 |
MillerInventories.pdf | 6,045,696 |
Morris_ViBRANTa.pdf | 892,928 |
Nyinondi_TDWG_2012_Presentation.pdf | 942,080 |
OpenUp__EFG_Hoffmann_TDWG.pdf | 823,296 |
Parr_TDWG_2012.pdf | 733,184 |
Presentazione_TDWG_ok.pdf | 2,863,104 |
RefBank-TDWG-2012.pdf | 180,224 |
RJR-TDWG-2012.pdf | 3,678,208 |
Schigel_TDWG2012.pdf | 3,932,160 |
Soup_for_Crowds_pf.pdf | 2,801,664 |
Soup_presentation_Mantle_Flemons_PartA.pdf | 565,248 |
TDWG2012-Cui.pdf | 851,968 |
TDWG2012_GGBNworkingsession.pdf | 229,376 |
TDWG_2012_Guentsch_BioVeL.pdf | 987,136 |
TDWG2012_Koivula.pdf | 233,472 |
TDWG2012_LucyW_Biodiversity_Information_Networks_KENYA_01.pdf | 1,449,984 |
TDWG2012_LucyW_Biodiversity_Information_Networks_KENYA.pdf | 2,490,368 |
TDWG_2012_Presentations.pdf | 450,560 |
TDWG2012_presentation_V1-Arino.pdf | 5,521,408 |
TDWG_Asase.pdf | 335,872 |
TDWG_GGBN.pdf | 2,015,232 |
TDWGLightningTalkArtOfLife.pdf | 516,096 |
tdwg_maureen.pdf | 385,024 |
xu_zheping_-_China_Biodiversity_Information_Service_Xu.pdf | 3,350,528 |