TDWG 2011
TDWG Annual Conference - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Image by Kent Kanouse
- Host
- Hank Bart – Tulane Natural History Museum
- Venue
- Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
- Date
- 17-21 October 2011
- Proceedings
- list of contributions linked to abstracts
- Programme
- TDWG 2011 Programme
- Presentations
- see below
- Recordings
- not available
Presentation files
Files are available upon request to
File name | Size (bytes) |
Abarenkov_PlutoF.pdf | 4,493,312 |
Akampurira_DataSharingMechanisms UgaBIF.ppt | 10,039,296 |
Alercia_Behind GENESYS.ppsx | 18,120,704 |
Balhoff_SemanticPhenotypes.pdf | 204,800 |
Barde_Fisheries-data.pdf | 12,021,760 |
Berendsohn-Cross-domain-OpenUp!.pptx | 3,612,672 |
Bevans_StandardizedImaging_NYBG.pdf | 2,580,480 |
Blaa_TapirDotNETXml.pdf | 1,249,280 |
Burguiere_identificationKey-webservice.pdf | 3,391,488 |
Cael - CABIN - A taste of Cyber-insects from Africa.ppt | 5,234,688 |
Cael - Cybertaxonomy Portal.ppt | 5,189,632 |
Cavner_BridgingSpeciesNicheModeling.ppt | 5,840,896 |
Chapman-Image Archiving.ppt | 1,150,976 |
Cooleman_AfrotropicalBirds_RMCA_EOL.pdf | 1,380,352 |
Deck_BiSciCol-TDWG2011.ppt | 3,899,392 |
Desmet_QuantitativeMetadata.pdf | 3,751,936 |
Dmitriev_Cybertaxonomy.pdf | 397,312 |
Eck_IntelligentUserInterfaces_TDWG2011.pptx | 1,781,760 |
Endresen_GBIF_Vocabularies_TDWG2011.ppt | 8,974,336 |
Flemons_Crowdsourcing.pdf | 946,176 |
Flemons_DigitisingVolunteers.pdf | 942,080 |
Folch_BiodiscoveryApp.pdf | 9,715,712 |
Freeland_ScribblesScrapsDarwin.ppt | 4,657,152 |
Grady_UsingSpecimenDataToConnectToMetadataArchiveAndDiscoveryServices.pptx | 1,671,168 |
Granzow_SpcmnDuplsDataReuse-SGR.pdf | 3,026,944 |
Gries_LBCC_TCN.pdf | 1,736,704 |
Haston_ImageWorkflow.ppt | 7,680,000 |
Haston_RapidDataCapture.ppt | 7,815,168 |
Hill_Biocollections_Crowdsoucing.pdf | 11,436,032 |
Hobern_ALAAnnotationsLessonsLearned.ppt | 5,156,864 |
Hobern_DigitizationPortals_ALA.ppt | 4,947,968 |
Hobern_GlobalUpdates_ALA.ppt | 7,888,896 |
Holetschek - Boiling Down ABCD to DarwinCore Archives.ppt | 1,789,952 |
Holetschek - Updating the BioCASe Technology Suite.ppt | 2,740,224 |
Javier_de_la_Torre_GeoCAT.pdf | 5,128,192 |
Jong_de_Yde - BioVel.pdf | 884,736 |
Jong_de_Yde - PESI.pdf | 2,134,016 |
Kalfatovic_TL2Online.ppt | 7,389,184 |
Khatieb_SANBI_DataManagement.pptx | 3,354,624 |
Kohlbecker_Integrating-BHL-into-EDIT-Platform.pdf | 5,476,352 |
Koller_BHLE_metadata_harmonisation.ppt | 6,594,560 |
Koller_BHLE_System_Architecture.pdf | 4,734,976 |
Koller_Schema_Mapping_Tool.pdf | 606,208 |
LaForest_EDDMapS-InvSpp.pptx | 22,888,448 |
Leggott_Islandora_Session.pdf | 11,665,408 |
Llewellyn_Georeferencing.ppt | 6,877,184 |
Macklin_AppleCore.pdf | 614,400 |
Mancarella_Effective_Ontologies_Using_UML.ppt | 2,875,392 |
Mantle_SatScanANIC.pdf | 1,507,328 |
Michiels-Chagnoux_Paris-Herbarium-digitization.pdf | 1,310,720 |
Nyinondi- DigitalizationTanzani-lessons.pdf | 487,424 |
Olivier Rovellotti Semantic ecoReleve TDWG2011.pptx | 10,526,720 |
OTuama_GBIF-Genomics-WorkProgramme_TDWG2011.ppt | 3,235,840 |
OTuama_KOS-Intro_TDWG2011.ppt | 2,277,376 |
Parr_EOLv2.pptx | 4,014,080 |
Paul_iDigBioasasResource.pdf | 21,639,168 |
Rainer_OpenUp_Common_Names.ppt | 1,867,776 |
Rainer_Virtual_Herbaria.ppt | 4,747,264 | | 25,559,040 |
Rees_AllGeneraIndex.ppt | 1,900,544 |
Remsen(OTuama)_Challenges-Interoperability-GBIF.ppt | 5,582,848 |
Remsen(OTuama)_Federated_Access_Issues_GBIF.ppt | 2,416,640 |
Reynolds_NatureServe_refs.ppt | 401,408 |
Riccardi_iDigBio_roles_and_goals.pptx | 405,504 |
Roberts_DataPublication.pdf | 10,579,968 |
Roberts_ViBRANT.pdf | 6,795,264 |
Saraiva_Pollinator Information.pdf | 2,383,872 |
Saraiva_Pollinator Information_poster.pdf | 7,102,464 |
Schindel_DNABarcoding.pptx | 4,169,728 |
Schleidt_ENVIROFI.ppt | 3,178,496 |
Schulz_EOL_Poster.pdf | 3,059,712 |
Sheffield_FieldBookProject.pdf | 1,589,248 |
Simpson_GISINinvasiveSpp.pptx | 2,568,192 |
Simpson_ISIS-IGreport.pptx | 892,928 |
Stewart_LifemapperOverview.pptx | 2,068,480 |
Thibault_NEONDataandCollectionsMgmt.pdf | 2,555,904 |
Thomer-Guralnick-Zombies-Crowdsourcing.ppt | 4,272,128 |
Triebel_IndExs.pdf | 6,070,272 |
Triebel_NaviKey.pdf | 3,837,952 |
Tulig_Plants_Bugs_ADBC_TCN.ppt | 5,578,752 |
Ung_Xper2.ppt | 3,760,128 |
Veiga_DataQuality.pdf | 1,327,104 |
Vorwald_DatabaseModelPerformanceComparison.pdf | 1,769,472 |
Webb_DarwinSW.pdf | 917,504 |
Wieczorek_Map_of_Life.pdf | 13,668,352 |
Yoder_Final_Frontier_of_Standard.ppt | 7,237,632 |